Inspirational Spanish quotes about life – The best Spanish sayings with translation

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I hardly have to tell you that Spanish is not only a particularly beautiful language but also the mother tongue of many important poets and thinkers. Thus, some of the most beautiful sayings in the world are in this very language.

If you are interested in other languages or in Spanish in particular, you have come to the right place. Because in the following you will find 55+ beautiful and inspirational Spanish quotes about life.

The following Spanish sayings about life are divided into different categories, so you can immediately find just the right thing for any situation. Whether you are looking for Spanish quotes, sayings about family, inspirational quotes, or more – here you will definitely find what you are looking for.

Inspirational Spanish sayings about life

spanish sayings about life

El sol siempre vuelve a brillar entre las nubes

  • “The sun always shines through the clouds again.”

Cada día es una nueva oportunidad para cambiar tu vida.

  • “Every day is a new opportunity to change your life.”

Haz de tu vida una obra de arte sin límites

  • “Make your life a work of art with no limits.”

Vive. El dinero se recupera, el tiempo no.

  • “Live. Money recovers, time does not.”

Aprende de los errores de los demás. No vivirás bastante para cometerlos todos. – Groucho Marx

  • “Learn from the mistakes of others. You won’t live long enough to make them all.”

Detrás de los sueños siempre hay esfuerzos que la gente no ve.

  • “Behind dreams there are always efforts that people do not see.”

No importa lo que pase, siempre tendrás una historia que contar.

  • “No matter what happens, you will always have a story to tell.”

Vive y deja vivir

  • “Live and let live.”

La vida no trata de encontrarse a uno mismo, sino de crearse a uno mismo. – George Bernard Shaw

  • “Life is not about finding yourself, but about creating yourself.”

Eres suficiente tal y como eres.

  • “You are enough just the way you are.”

El único sitio donde el éxito llega antes que el trabajo es en el diccionario. – Vidal Sassoon

  • “The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.”
spanish life quotes

Ojalá vivas todos los días de tu vida.

  • “May you live every day of your life.”

Si no te gusta algo, cámbialo. Si no lo puedes cambiar, cambia tu actitud.

  • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”

Sueña como si fueras a vivir para siempre, vive como si fueses a morir hoy. – James Dean

  • “Dream as if you were going to live forever, live as if you were going to die today.”

Olvida el pasado pero recuerda la lección.

  • “Forget the past but remember the lesson.”

No cuentes los días, haz que los días cuenten.

  • “Don’t count the days, make the days count.”

Meaningful Spanish quotes about life

inspirational spanish quotes about life

El que quiere interesar a los demás tiene que provocarlos. – Salvador Dalí

  • “Whoever wants to interest others must provoke them.”

Aprender a sonreír es aprender a ser libres. – Octavio Paz

  • “Learning to smile is learning to be free.”

¡Seamos realistas, pidamos lo imposible! – Ernesto Che Guevara

  • “Let’s be realistic, let’s ask for the impossible!”

Todo lo que se puede imaginar es real. – Pablo Picasso

  • “Everything you can imagine is real.”

Siempre parece imposible hasta que se hace. – Nelson Mandela

  • “It always seems impossible until it is done.”

No vemos las cosas como son. Vemos las cosas como somos. – Henry Ward Beecher

  • “We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.”

Cada cosa tiene su belleza, pero no todo el mundo puede verlo. – Confucio

  • “Everything has its beauty, but not everyone can see it.”

La vida es lo que te pasa mientras estás ocupado haciendo otros planes. – John Lennon

  • “Life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans.”

Todo lo que siempre has querido está al otro lado del miedo. – George Addair

  • “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”

La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es crearlo. – Peter Drucker

  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

The best Spanish travel quotes

Viajar es vivir dos veces

  • “To travel is to live twice”

Las ciudades son libros que se leen con los pies. – Quintín Cabrera

  • “Cities are books that you read with your feet.”

Algunos caminos hermosos no pueden ser descubiertos sin perderse. – Erol Ozan

  • “Some beautiful paths cannot be discovered without getting lost.”

El mejor de los viajes siempre es el próximo. – Javier Reverte

  • “The best trip is always the next one.”

Se tiene que viajar para aprender. – Mark Twain

  • “You have to travel to learn.”

No he estado en todas partes, pero están en mi lista. – Susan Sontag

  • “I have not been everywhere, but it’s on my list.”

Cuando llegamos a casa, el hogar sigue siendo el mismo pero algo en nuestra mente ha cambiado, y eso lo cambia todo. – Jonah Lehrer

  • “When we get home, home is still the same, but something in our mind has changed, and that changes everything.”

The best Spanish quotes about family

La familia te quiere y te aprecia tal y como eres.

  • “The family loves you and appreciates you as you are.”

Cuando tienes una familia que te deja que te expreses como eres, es lo mejor que te puede dar la vida. – Rosario Flores

  • “When you have a family that lets you express yourself as you are, that’s the best life can give you.”

Una buena familia es el mejor regalo que puedes tener para ser feliz.

  • “A good family is the best gift you can have to make you happy.”

Hay un solo niño bello en el mundo y cada madre lo tiene. – Josep Pla

  • “There is only one beautiful child in the world and every mother has it.”

La familia es la única comunidad en la que todo hombre es amado por sí mismo, por lo que es y no por lo que tiene. – Juan Pablo II

  • The family is the only community in which every man is loved for what he is and not for what he has.
spanish quotes about life, family quotes

Lo último que siempre queda es la familia – Marlon Brando

  • “The last thing that always remains is the family”

The most beautiful Spanish love quotes

El amor no necesita ser perfecto – sino verdadero.

  • “Love doesn’t need to be perfect – but true.”

Para quien ama, nada es imposible. — Santa Teresa de Jesús

  • “For those who love, nothing is impossible.”

El amor se demuestra con actos.– Vicente Blasco Ibáñez

  • “Love is demonstrated by actions.”

Amar no es solamente querer, es sobre todo comprender. – Françoise Sagan 

  • “To love is not only to want, it is above all to understand.”

El arte y el amor lo son todo en nuestra vida. – Juan Ramón Jiménez

  • “Art and love are everything in our life.”

Donde hay amor hay vida – Mahatma Gandhi

  • “Where there is love there is life.”

El amor es la mayor frescura en la vida. – Pablo Picasso

  • “Love is the greatest freshness in life.”

La medida del amor es amar sin medida. – San Augustín

  • “The measure of love is to love without measure.”

¿Cómo entra la luz en una persona? si la puerta del amor está abierta. – Paulo Coelho

  • “How does light enter a person? When the door of love is open.”

Si cuando amo soy feliz, entonces eres mi felicidad

  • “If when I love I am happy, then you are my happiness.”

Short sayings in Spanish about life

El cielo es el límite

  • “The sky is the limit”

Evitar el fracaso es evitar el progreso.

  • “To avoid failure is to avoid progress.”

Lo que no me mata me hace más fuerte

  • “What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”
there is always hope quote in spanish

Siempre hay esperanza

  • “There is always hope.”

Piensa menos. Vive más.

  • “Think less. Live more.”

No se brilla sin oscuridad.

  • “You do not shine without darkness.”

Es ahora tu momento

  • “Your moment is now.”

La vida te dará todo lo que creas merecer.

  • “Life will give you everything you think you deserve.”

So, what’s your favorite saying? Maybe you know another beautiful Spanish quote that didn’t make it onto our list. Feel free to let us know in the comments below!


About the AuthorVicki

Hi, we are Vicki & Eduardo, an international travel couple on a mission to help you save money for priceless travel experience. Follow us through the miracles of this world and you will be rewarded with a bunch of practical travel tips.

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